Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween In The Room Where You Sleep
Its been about a year and I still can't get over this band... This is Dead Man's Bones. And yes, the lead singer looks familiar, because he is Ryan Gosling, the actor. And with him is his choir of little people, or children, dressed in halloween costumes. Damn, I wish I was that cool as a kid. Anyways, watch and admire and also kick yourself if you are a musician that you did not come up with this first. Truly ingenius.
What's Your Lekker Flavour?
So, earlier this year we had to do a short video clip for one of our clients. We had to walk around and ask people what flavour chips they would like if they could choose any flavour imaginable. Obviously there were the lame answers like 'steak and beef', 'steak and chips', 'hamburger and chips' etc. (like that is totally original) But every now and again you meet people with interesting ideas, like these two construction workers at the Rosebank mall. (Unfortunately I cannot remember their names)
I can truly say though that they were the most original out of everyone we interviewed. They invented the concept of ganja flavoured chips. Hmmm. Not sure how well that will sell, especially in schools... it will maybe be a hit on street corners... but A for effort guys! And also, they had brilliant smiles. I took this picture so you could see. Obviously they did not make the cut for the edit, because of the content being slightly frowned upon, but who cares. They were by far the most interesting people we met that day.

Best. Costume. Ever.
Halloween. The time of year where parents convince their little boys to dress like little girls. And their little girls to dress like whores. (This was my friend Coenie's status on Facebook - I love it, thanks Coenie)
I can't wait until my sister's kid is big enough so I can dress her up like this for Halloween. Or female Chucky or something...

Also, I would like to buy these shirts. The first one as a present for some people and the second for myself. And also as a present for some people. Actually, they should just start selling these at every major event at about 01:00 in the morning. It would save a lot of people a lot of embarrassment and explaining the next day. They can even sell them where they sell the hotdogs... cause you know when you go to buy a hotdog, it's that time of night...
Well then, i think I just found a way to fund by December holiday... shirts anyone? Find me by the hotdog stand. I'll be the person who is not tagged in any embarrassing moments on the internet. Use it, don't use it. Just saying. (But seriously, meet me by the hotdog stand. The code word is 'ketchup' )

Thursday, October 28, 2010
Fun Times
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
This has for years been one of my pieces of film. I love everything about this - the location, the wardrobe, the lighting, the choreography, the way they compliment each other so beautifully and how he seems to play her like an instrument. The music, the timing etc. Too beautiful. I mean, if you're into that kind of thing...
Monday, October 18, 2010
Monday In Your Face
I told you we became increasingly lazy... this is our second post for the whole of October... oh well. I blame it on global warming. And alcohol. And the fact that I reached the quarter century mark. Or temporary insanity at least. Whatever. Who cares...
On a completely different note, here is our current form of amusement... (FYI:Free wifi at home just never gets old). At the moment we are sitting in different rooms of the same house, searching for the funniest moments in the life of Dwight K. Schrute. (Or as he describes himself: D.W.I.G.H.T – Determined, Worker, Intense, Good worker, Hard worker, Terrific) And how funny!? He cracks us both up. Read this and laugh at him. Like we do. Best way to start a Monday, I'd say.

Here are the top 20 quotes by this man. Enjoy.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Meanwhile Back At The Ranch
Ok, it's been holiday on our side and our laziness levels have increased alarmingly. But before we lost all ambition to excel at life, we decided it would be a great idea to go do some travelling over the December holidays. And the winning destinations are... Belgium and Amsterdam!
Belgium and Amsterdam? Why would we want to go there during the coldest time of the year? And why Belgium? It's like that movie 'In Bruges' all over again. Honestly.
Well, we are going to visit some friends, see some sights, meet some people and just wing it. Maybe we'll even take a few photos...
For now here are some other things I found on the internet while researching something completely different. Hard to say where its from. Will have to come back to you on that. My favourite is the 'not so happy bird' salt and pepper shakers.

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