About Us

So, welcome. Yes, we do indeed wish we were magic. We didn’t just pick this name because every damn name that ever existed in the history of names for blogs were already taken. Not at all. Also, when written in calligraphy and any other font, it looks really pretty. And it sounds über-progressive and modern.

Okay, so our blog will be about pretty much everything. Dead average. What? No! However, we promise not to bore you with “what we know” or “what we’ve learnt” or any other motivational garbage, because really, we don’t know much anyway. Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul and Oprah and that other girl’s blog do that shit to us all the time and it’s average. Fuck off.

We’re going to put it out there right now – from time to time we’ll get lazy, or run out of money to go places and get cool stuff or will have to do our real jobs, so we’ll resort to the most watched video on YouTube and upload that, or take a photo of some dude walking down the street and add some pretentious caption that’ll probably make you vomit a little. When that happens, shit, we apologise. Really, we’re sorry.

This is pretty much us. We wish we were magic. You wish you used your internet bandwidth on a blog that’ll add value to your life. Different strokes. If you decide to visit us again, then bonus, yay for us. If not, it’s cool too, we’re not precious or sensitive like that.

Linel and Elizma