Story of my life. Anyways, Hello blog. Long time, no see...
It's amazing how little I have to say to you these days. I guess it has something to do with not having internet or TV at home and actually trying to use my brain for a change. With the emphasis on TRYING. There is so much I still want to do and yet, there are even more things that keep me from doing those things I really want to do. With the biggest culprit being myself. Myself and my love for procrastination and over-thinking things.
Today though I have decided to embrace the wise words of Tyler Durden: "It is only when we have lost everything, that we are free to do anything". Wise words indeed. And necessary. Also, I watched a movie last night called Mr. Nobody, featuring the beloved Jared Leto. Actually, I lie, I am only halfway through the movie, but already it has left quite an impression on me. I'm not going to tell you what it's about, but there is one thing that really stuck with me:
We live in a world that is for the most part made up of three spatial dimensions: height, width and depth and one temporal dimension: time. The other 6 dimensions are minuscule and wound up together. Now, if we live in a universe of wound up dimensions, how can we distinguish between reality and illusion? Think about it. Time moves only in one direction. Whatever happens in time, can only happen once and never changed (like smoke going out of a cigarette, but never able to go back in). Therefore we have to make sure we choose carefully to make the right decisions. Once a decision is made, life changes. If no decision is made, everything remains possible...
Every decision we make has the potential to change our lives forever. Which explains why procrastination is such a talent amongst most of humanity. We want to make the right decisions, so we can have the desired ending. For instance, sometimes we are in a situation where we are not happy, but we linger on taking action to actively make a decision that will change this situation. We are scared to leave things we are used to, because with TIME we grow used to these things. Subsequently, we waste TIME. Kill TIME. Count TIME. All because mostly we don't really know what to do with it.
Now I have an idea of a few things I want to do, but have to make the right decision. Figure out how to fit executing them into time. Also, if we cannot distinguish between reality and illusion, who is to say the roll-out of these ideas in our minds are not real? See what I mean about procrastination and over-analyzing things... Anyways, you get the idea. Or not. It's hard to explain this in words. Rather go watch the movie. (There I have just wasted about 15mins on over-thinking life, while I could have done something. Oh well. It's not like I had something better to do anyways.)
Here are some wise words on billboards by Robert Montgomery (except for the one that is by Tyler Durden):