In less than a month we will be freezing our asses off... and then we will have a Belgium waffle and drink from the chocolate fountain to put them back on. It's an evil cycle, you see. A deliciously seductive evil cycle. For real, you just walk into the shops and they give you chocolate for free. On trays. And you can choose anything you want. Heaven.
But since we are hanging out with the locals this time, we will probably be spending more time in bars than on the touristy things. Phew. We were worried for a second about getting lost in the chocolate shops, since we are coming back for a summer new years... And then there is also most of our time that we will be spending in Amsterdam. We were contemplating cycling around, until we realized it might be difficult to cycle in the snow while wearing all the jackets we own. So, trains it is then.
To be honest, not much of this trip has been planned. but I guess that's what makes it so exciting. That, and also finding the lucky people that are willing to spend Christmas with us. We are thinking maybe a family or some other lonesome tourists. Maybe someone with a boat that coincidentally also cooks a mean Christmas lunch. Too much? Oh well. Anyways. It will be great. We will feast on mulled wine and take aways (tinned food) and laugh and laugh and sing christmas carols all night long. Either way, I'm sure we will find something to do.
Please November, be over soon. Very soon indeed.
Kind regards,
Linel & Elizma

Have fun! Next stop? America.