Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Where Troubles Melt Like Lemon Drops

I love Tuesdayfridays. Not that they are very common, but when they are I guess we'd better embrace them. Tequilla!

The lack of sufficient internet in my office has killed my zest for life on social networking and thinking of something interesting to say (fyi), so here are some pictures. They're not bad. At all. So, that'll have to do for now.

Happy public holiday slash voting day.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Let's Move. Again.

Change. Boy, did things change in the last year! Or should I say : "Girrrrrl, change much?"

So here we go again, moving to a new house. New job. New adventures. Now the only question is, where to go on our next trip?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Let's Play Dress-up

Remember those days when paper dolls used to be cool? No? Well, that's your problem. They were amazing. They even kicked pregnant barbie's ass. As well magic babies and ninja turtles...

And then came the interweb and television that showed for more than a few hours a day. Dom dom dom. After which the paper doll decided to retire in Hawaii (the paper version, to be specific, the encyclopedia of tropical places in the world...or something like that). (It that didn't make sense, don't stress about it, I'm not even sure I understand it).

Anyways, this might just be my new favourite game... Shopping and playing and shopping and playing... it just never gets old... Try it out