Monday, January 31, 2011

It's Exactly What You Think It Is.

Hello Monday. Oh, and goodbye January. See you next year. Most probably. Now, February, let's have a party! I'll organize some drinks, you do the music. See you tomorrow.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

What The Fuck Is My Social Media "Strategy"?

Wow, this sounds familiar. And it gives me bad flash backs. Anyways.

Read all about it here. Or not. It won't change your life or anything like that. Just saying.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

For Those Who Play Seriously

Haha, I love these ads for the Art Directors Club. It's so true. I guess we do play for a living. The Eagles ads are quite funny too.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Don't Think I'm Pushing You Away When You're The One That I've Kept Closest

Yes, team XX, I am crystalized. I got completely lost in your music. Or rather remixes thereof. Now, I can't even remember what I wanted to say. I guess it was something to do with... uhm. No, sorry, it's gone now.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Bon Iver, On Repeat And Remixed.

I absolutely love this cover Bon Iver And St. Vincent did of Harvest Moon ( the Neil Young Cover). So Beautiful. I had to listen to it on repeat for quite a while. And then once more. It makes me feel like I live in a movie and everything just turned out just as I hoped it would, or better. In this movie I also have a horse, a country accent and maybe run a diner or something. Or I lost everything in a fire, but it's ok because it made me discover the true value in life... Tragic, but oh so beautiful. Something like that. It's definitely that growing old together and reminiscing kind of song. (And for some reason I can also see this song being used in bad soap operas like 'Days of our lives' for a flashback scene, but i'm trying to block that idea out of my mind).

Other than that, this is a really nice version of Bon Iver's 'Creature Fear'. Perfect for a Sunday afternoon. And Sunday night blues.

Skins US? What The... ???

Skins. I remember first seeing it and absolutely loving it. The soundtrack, the cast, the crazy stories... All in all, very memorable. Now, it seems, America made their 'own' version (like you do when something is popular in another country), except it is exactly the same as the original UK version... There is an american cast and scenery, but the script is pretty much a copy of the first one. How boring. Certainly american youth has something different to offer... It could have been really good, but who wants to watch the same story, just with a different cast? I'll give it a pass. Thankyouverymuch.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Growing Is Forever

This video is beautiful. It reminds me a bit of 'Dead Man's Bones' in a way. How peaceful it must be to be a tree. I wish I had that kind of patience. To slowly observe and enjoy every moment. Forever. Jesse Rosten and Kallie Markle did a great job here explaining all the small details, while making it sound really profound.

Song Of The Day!

So, as you know, over the December holidays perfume ads take over television and attempt to brainwash people into buying that perfume so you can be as amazingly awesome as the person in the ad. Strangely, the people in the ads rarely do much. Sometimes they skip through the streets, drive in a car or it's a couple who can't keep their hands off each other because they obviously smell so incredible.

This time, not much has changed, but we do need to share this song with you. I am not exaggerating if I say we saw this a hundred times, and every single time Elizma would cringe when she hears this song. Then I would laugh. I mean seriously, what is this genre called? Poppy, 'funky', 'viby', retro? One day when I took off my hat, my hair looked like this and we decided we need to find this song. And here it is. I still won't buy the perfume, but this song is growing on me.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Baby, Run Away As Fast As You Can

Hey Kanye, let's have a toast. And thanks for being so honest by the way. I feel you. I also think you are wrong. But this is really beautiful. ( here is the full 40 minute film by Kanye West, as well as the two pieces I found the most beautiful ). Enjoy.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

And Time Floats By Like An Anchorless Ship

2011. Finally! A lot has happened, in some instances a lot has changed in the past year and in others not much has changed at all.

Obama said change is good. I believe him. But being all excited about change is not going to physically make anything happen. (Which is good, because we are rarely REALLY excited about anything.) Nike says 'Just Do It'. I prefer that to all sorts of motivational crap that is supposed to psyche you up. Anyways. What is supposed to happen you ask? Hmmm, probably whatever you can imagine or whatever you want to happen. And what might that be? Well, that's more or less what were were trying to figure out on our tour of the universe this December holiday. It started in Belgium. In Amsterdam. In Cape Town. In Joburg. In Ethiopia. In the fitting rooms of Stuttafords in Sandton City. You name it, we were there.

And then we stumbled across it. The secret of life. If I tell you the whole story i'd have to kill you, so in a nutshell - here is the secret to all life's problems: Life happens. Let it go. Go with it. And it will come back to you. That's about it. Nothing new really. It would have been on a fortune cookie if it wasn't that long... or maybe it could have just replaced the lotto numbers... who knows. I guess it's more a process of amplifying what you have experienced before, so that you start seeing things more for what they are. To see them as individual particles. To find their essence. And in turn resonate your own essence to be balanced with that of your environment.

Then maybe all the disappointments will become teachers and once we can laugh at our mistakes, we will be free to focus on our dreams. There is the saying 'free your mind and live, free your heart and love'. Think about this and listen to some Black Keyes. Especially if it's close to the weekend. Then let it all go.

On the first day of 2011 I witnessed the most beautiful ocean sunset and cloud spectacular I have ever seen. It was strange how amazed and content and sad that could make me all at once. A perfectly imperfect moment. All that was missing was love. It could have, would have, should have been there, but it wasn't. Rather it was a beautiful mistake. A visible illusion. Right where it starts it ends. Watching something so beautiful disappear is like losing a friend. It was love like a sunset. (thank you Phoenix for putting that into words). When the sun rises, we will start again. Hello Mr. Sun, I missed you. If I ever leave again, I will take you with me. Anyways, here we go again... Cheers Mr Obama, cheers people of Nike and also Arcade Fire, here's to change and a Happy new year.