Thank goodness for our 20's for giving us the opportunity to collect good stories. Hopefully these choices will eventually lead us to a fulfilled and happy life. For now we can just keep on establishing everything that does not work.

Talking about good and bad choices - advertising is simultaneously the best and worst decision a person can make as a career path. The good is incredible and the bad is exponentially bad. Still, they seem to balance each other out. Most people would kill for the freedom creatives have. Why waste our youth? Essentially it's more important to be passionate about what we spend most of our time doing than to be a millionaire. Although money is also great.
I am currently watching the series 'Madmen' for the first time. The golden era of advertising. How much fun it must have been to be a man in those days. Anyways, they describe advertising as an art of creating happiness. And it worked. Very well even. Then people realized they were being cheated into a state of artificial freedom of choice and that the meaning of happiness has been dictated to them by brands and advertisers.

Today advertising is relooking this strategy, but with a different approach. The problem is that the idea of happiness has become increasingly more difficult to define, and people more difficult to please. We are so used to instant gratification, that we find it hard to distinguish real meaning and passive experiences.
It seems though that people want real meaning, they want to know that someone gives a shit about every tweet or facebook update they make. We are becoming our own psychologists. Online, there are hundreds of platforms for verbalizing emotions and confronting people we are not likely to approach in reality. We have tools to aid us in every way possible and this in turn builds confidence. I guess that in that way life in general is fair game. For the educated at least. Mother nature - 1 / Mother internet - 1. It's a draw for now.
i like.