So, what do you do when you turn 25? Well, lets see. If only i could remember... Come to think of it, we did everything our generation is rebelling against (except for the part about drinking copious amounts of alcohol). We watched 30Rock, baked cupcakes, finished a bottle of vodka with pomegranate juice, went shopping, opened a bottle of coffee wine, made thai green curry, ate it, surfed the net, opened a bottle of Spanish wine, watched 'The Apprentice', played with the cat, finished our wine and decided it's time to sleep. Sounds boring? In all honesty it was the most relaxing and fun night we had in a while. Seriously. We chilled a lot, ate and drank a lot and even laughed a lot. More so than usual. If only i could remember what we laughed about...
Today we shall try to be more adventurous. Or not. We'll see how things go. Fuck it. We don't have to do anything. And we can be as indecisive as we want.
So I guess what I am trying to say is Happy Birthday! Be happy, be lazy, be indecisive, be moody, whatever floats your boat. As long as it turns out to be a good day. I made you a little present, a reminder of your favourite thing in the world... Andy Pipkin, also known as Andy Pants, Andy Cat, Andy panties, Seun, Nommer Twee and Andykins. The only cat who likes to play fetch, hates the world and any kind of affection, makes no sound and portray dog-like qualities on a daily basis. Not to mention the fact that he is questionably male and he hates other cats. Shame-a. We love you.

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