Wednesday, April 7, 2010


So, in our 1st post, aptly named 'Hello', we pinky promised that we'll only be uploading random stuff from time to time. So, what? We lied? That's what you think. We'd like to think we were a little over-ambitious, which is not a bad thing, right? Right?! And no one should ever believe anything they read on the internet these days anyway (shit, that sentence smells very much like a life lesson). And it's not like we're a corporate company that needs to live by our value propositions. Value propositions! What does that mean anyway? And also, these pics are from, like, our personal cameras and stuff, so OMG! this is like the very first time you'll be seeing these photos in, like, ever!
Lastly, HEY, LOOK AT US. WE'RE LIARS will become a regular installment on our blog. Or not. Depends on how long it takes us to come up with something awesome. But don't worry, it'll grow on you. Okay, we're done justifying our over-ambition that ultimately led to our first fail.
Don't lose hope
linel and elizma

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